As you see, the push for equality regarding non-believers is still being fought for. The good news is our president is acknowledging and meeting with leaders from the agnostic/atheist movement to get some ideas on how to move forward in these tough times. The bad news is the radical-right refuses to accept non-believers as equals under the constitution, and are acting to marginalize this movement. This isn't a big surprise, no one expects the religious/radical right to roll over when placed on equal standing with non-believers, (they are born in, reside, thrive, and spread the fear of a "non-christian"nation). Of course we've had nothing but christian presidents, (including Obama), since the founding of our nation, Obama is simply acknowledging that not all people believe in Bronze age mythology. And since there is evidence to show that "Higher levels of belief among people with no college education and lower levels of belief among those with postgraduate education.", (think scientists, professors, lawyers, doctors...), Obama may be indeed acknowledging that we need non-believers to assert their expertise to help with our current issues. This isn't in fact a knock against Christianity, (as the religious right would like to think), but a reach out the best and brightest that may have felt ignored, neglected, and at times demonized by our previous presidential administration. If Obama can bring a sense of real compassion, of real change to the Oval Office, acknowledging the millions of us who refuse to adhere to ancient dogmatic beliefs, is a good start.
If the movement to stop Obama from talking to non-believers makes you a little anxious, go here, and tell "In God We Trust", what you think of their un-patriotic ways. I did.
And as with my pastime of including pictures, here is one I find particularly funny that symbolizes the irrational fear and hatred of those that claim Jesus as their shepherd...

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