Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Traitors! umm Nut Cases! Nut Sacks! I mean Tea Baggers!

Is this real? Are there people out there actually claiming "Taxation Without Representation"? (Outside of DC I mean). Was there some set of circumstances where they couldn't vote for a congressperson or senator? Was Obama not democratically elected? The answer to the last 2 questions is an obvious "No". The answer to the first 2 questions is a surprising "Yes".

Interesting...the republican party, in an attempt to create a "grassroots" movement, has put millions of dollars into the promotion of "tea parties", an anti-tax propaganda venture in the hope of rejuvenating the conservative movement...job NOT well done. By making vague claims of some sort of "unconstitutionality" of Obama's policies, the conservative movement has alienated itself from a country that overwhelmingly supports the president. While we know from past conservative actions that they will cut off their nose to spite their face, it's hard to believe the outrage incited by the frothy mouth El Rushbo, or the just plain silly Glenn Beck, could be taken seriously, and for the most part it isn't. I'm not what you would call over patriotic, (don't get me wrong, I love my country, but realize we are only one of many), but what Faux news, along with Glen "Rodeo Clown" Beck are doing may be considered treasonous. Making false claims of misrepresentation because your guy didn't win the election is as despicable as it is dishonest.

As the sin of Pride runs rife through Faux News, so does support for the president, (and his policies), across the country, (excluding undereducated white southern males of course). Can we learn anything from fake populist uprisings built on the flimsiest of reasons? Yes and it is this...Glen Beck is a real "Eye-Hole"...

Thanks again to ArtMaggot Hysteria for the use of his work, as he sums up Mr. Beck quite well...

1 comment:

  1. I don't know about you, but a tea party is a great place to get laid by illegal immigrants...
