When Barack referenced "non-believers" in his inauguration speech, it wasn't simply a nod to the left-wingers that helped get him elected, it was an acknowledgment that our government and politics are secular. That we, (as a country), are ruled by laws written by man, and that adherence to these laws is what makes one truly "American". (This is a sharp contrast to the last president who's test for being a patriot consisted in an odd formula that took into account not only how "hard" one prayed to Jesus, but also the amount of Toby Keith albums one owned). While setting up for his historic run for office, Obama put out his biography,
"Dreams of My Father" ,that confirmed his christian beliefs, I will take this matter at his word, (even if political expediency makes these claims necessary). I won't press on his mother's professed atheism, or his fathers non-religion, we will assume that Barack is in fact a follower of Jesus Christ. With that being said do we think that Barack "speaks with god" as Bush claimed he did? Will Barack consult ancient texts for modern medical advice? Will Barack allow natural disasters to be ignored as "the will of god"? We are all hoping the answers to all theses questions will be an emphatic "No". So, if Jesus isn't Obama's "co-pilot", where does Barack get his advice? And more specifically to this post, are any of the people that Barack takes advice from in fact "non-believers" themselves? Check back often as I will analyze selected members of Obama's staff, searching for those that may be atheist/agnostic, and cheering on those that show an affinity for secular government.
First under the microscope, Obama's pit-bull, Rahm Emanuel...
Rahm Emanuel - Chief of Staff

Mr. Emanuel is Obama's right-hand man, the strong arm bending the cabinet to Barack's will, a zionist Jew, and an all-around pain in the ass. While being a foot soldier in the remurgence of the Democratic party, Rahm gained the reputation of a mafia pit-boss, demanding loyalty and, *ahem*, taking care of those that didn't perform. While being a respected official, it can't be said that he is non-religious. Rahm still identifies himself as a
Zionist, and his father has been less than flattering when
speaking of Arabs, (oy vey!). That being said, Rahm is more of a facillitator and less of a policy maker in his White house position. It will be interesting to watch as Barack goes forward with Israel/Palestine relations. Will Barack take a pragmatic approach to the conflict? Can Rahm seperate what his position demands, from the policy decisions that Barack must make? Answers to these questions will go a long way in defining how secular the current White House will be.